Entries by Tim

‘Secrets from Russia’ – Talk by GM Alex Raetsky

You are cordially invited to a special lecture by Russian Grandmaster Alex Raetsky at Forest Hall Chess Club on Friday 30 August, from 7pm-10pm. GM Alex Raetsky, a highly acclaimed chess coach and author, is in Newcastle for the Northumbria Masters (at Novotel Newcastle Airport, 23-27 August). The lecture – ‘Chess Secrets from Russia‘ – will be aimed at club players […]

Castles, Romans & Shakespeare: Special Excursions

As part of this year’s Northumbria Masters, we are organising 3 special excursions to some of North East England’s most attractive tourist destinations.  These trips will be led by myself and my good friend Paul Robson, whom many of you will know well from various chess events. Between us, we know plenty of interesting stories […]

Still time to join 6 GMs & 7 IMs at Northumbria Masters

There is still time to enter the 2019 Northumbria Masters, where a total of 6 GMs and 7 IMs lead the field at what promises to be one of the UK’s most exciting International Opens this year. To avoid a late entry fee, it’s best to enter before Friday 16th August. The top seed and […]

Latest ECF Grades & FIDE Ratings to be used in Northumbria Masters events

The July 2019 ECF Grades and the August 2019 FIDE ratings will be used to determine which sections players are eligible for in the 2019 Northumbria Masters. While the Northumbria Masters tournament is open to all players, this rule applies to the Challengers (Under 2050 FIDE & Under 180 ECF) and Major (Under 1825 FIDE […]

Junior bursaries for Northumbria Masters

Thanks to the John Robinson Youth Chess Trust, there are a total of 20 bursaries available for players under the age of 18 on August 23, 2019 – 10 for players in the Masters, and 10 for players in the Challengers (Under 2050) or Major (Under 1825). To be eligible for a bursary, players should […]

Donchenko vies for double

21-year-old German Grandmaster Alexander Donchenko is vying to to win the Northumbria Masters for the second year running. Donchenko, who won the 2018 Northumbria Masters with 7/9 in a strong field of 50 players (average rating: 2215) currently faces four other GMs (England’s Danny Gormally, Russia’s Alexander Raetsky, Ukraine’s Andrey Maksimenko and the Czech Republic’s […]

All welcome at 2019 Masters

I am writing to invite you to play in the 2019 Northumbria Masters – some for the first time, and some hopefully for an enjoyable second visit. You will all be very welcome!Last year, the 2018 Northumbria Masters was a great success, featuring a very strong field of 7 GMs and 11 IMs in a total of […]

4 GMs coming to Newcastle

GMs Vojtech Plat (CZE), Danny Gormally (ENG), Andrey Maksimenko (UKR) and Alexander Raetsky (RUS) and are the first grandmasters to confirm their entry in the 2019 Northumbria Masters, to be held at Novotel Newcastle Airport, Newcastle upon Tyne, on 23-27 August.

Entries now open for Northumbria Masters 2019

The Northumbria Masters is back, with a new date and superb new venue. The international congress will now take place at Novotel Newcastle Airport from 23-27 August 2019, with the following 9-round FIDE rated tournaments: Northumbria Masters (eligible for title norms) Prize fund: £2,950 Challengers (Under 2050 FIDE, Under 180 ECF) Prize fund: £975 Major (Under 1825, Under 150 ECF): […]