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Upcoming events cancelled
Unfortunately, the following tournaments have been cancelled: the 2022-23 Forest Hall Rapidplay Grand Prix tournaments and the 5th EJCOA International (16-20 December, 2022).

4th EJCOA International
Applications are welcome for the 4th EJCOA International, to be held 24-28 October 2022 at Forest Hall Social Club, Errington Terrace, Palmersville, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 9DQ.

Report on 2022 Congress
Thanks to the generous financial support of various sponsors, including The Chess Trust, The English Federation, The Friends of Chess, Northumberland Chess Association, Northumbria Junior Chess Association and an anonymous donor, the 2022 Northumbria…

Food & drink near Northumbria Masters venue
Players and spectators at the Northumbria Masters Congress can find various shops and eating/drinking establishments within easy walking distance of the venue, St. Mary's Catholic School, Benton Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7PE.